An Extraordinary Application for EXPRESS Subdivision Design & Production


"civil 3D 2013 compatibility integration complete "

The currently-available download of ASE Civil 2014 is now completely compatible with both the 2014 AND  the 2013 version of Civil 3D!



"development status page"

The progress of the development of new features or repairs to previously reported issues, can now be viewed on the website. The status for each activity is displayed graphically on this page, depicting an estimated percentage of completion for each listed item. Development activity is not limited only to what is found on this new page however. There are usually more development actions in-progress than are publicly visible to website visitors. This new page may also be accessed from the support page.




All clients will soon receive their own web page on the website. This will prove useful when a license file has been overwritten or misplaced and a fresh new one needs to be installed. When each client's page has been prepared, they will be notified individually and the link to their page will be provided.




Permanent license authorization number requests must now be submitted from the website. Browse to this page or access the Google Authorization Request form from the link on the "Support" page.



"client wish list page"

A new page has been added to the website that clients to submit their wish list requests for future versions of ASE Civil. Browse to this page or access the wish list Google form from the link on the "Support" page.




A new page has been added to the website that displays all of the changes made to the latest downloadable version of ASE. Browse to this pageor access a description of the latest program changes from the link on the "Support" page.




New clients may now use an online form to provide client-specific information to support requests for new licenses of ASE Civil.




In response to requests by new clients, detailed information referencing the internal license management system used by ASE Civil, the 'Sentinel' system, has been provided on the website. A link to the literal description can be found in the 'Features' page. Within that page, a link to a flowchart gives a visual description of the logic involved in managing licenses for ASE Civil.



"automatic pad definition"

Finished pads in ASE have previously required the individual selection of each Polyline and the use of  'APPARENT INTERSECTION' 'OSNAP's of both curb reference points. However, new geometric analysis algorithms have recently been developed and integrated that give ASE Civil the ability to calculate the intersections between two lines, two arcs or between a line and an arc. This can be done even if the objects are not present in the drawing and even if the geometry does not intersect explicitly. The new functionality references the data contained in the Base Map Control file. This new geometric analysis engine will pave the way for many new functional capabilities for future versions of ASE Civil. Development and testing of some of these new features are already well under way and will be integrated in January 2014, such as automated water and sewer services creation and stationing.

Alpha testing of the new feature yielded definition and labeling of 364 ASE Pads in 90 seconds! Soon ASE will provide the capability of actually creating the Polyline objects used for pad definition, based on user-specified lot setback parameters. This will accelerate ASE's design productivity far beyond that of any subdivision automation available anywhere in the world.


"ASE CIVIL 2014 final"

The 2014 version of ASE Civil has completed testing. It has been uploaded to the website and is now available for production use. The application and installation instructions are now available from the "Download" page.



The updated (Beta) version has now resumed testing again. The build errors have been resolved and all errors reported by clients in the 2012 version have now been addressed and reflected in the 2014 version. A list of repairs and enhancements can be found at this link.
The latest update of ASE Civil 2014 (Beta) and installation instructions are now available from the "Download" page.




A message from the Developer:
Virtually all of the pre-release issues found in ASE Civil 2014 during final beta testing have now been addressed, but these repairs have not yet been uploaded to the website for download and installation. Despite the apparent stability of the 2014 version currently available for download, it still contains the issues that were recently addressed.
The .NET assemblies were successfully repaired and re-compiled.
However, after finishing all the repairs and updates that were required to elevate ASE 2014 to production status then re-compiling all the Visual Lisp source code, during testing I discovered that AutoCAD is generating error after the compile process, resulting in virtually empty executable files. Consequently, none of the re-compiled functions are defined.
This anomaly is something I've never seen before. However, I'm confident the problem will be resolved quickly and testing will resume for ASE Civil 2014 very soon. Unfortunately for the time being, I'm currently unable to continue updating or distribution of this latest version of the software.
Please accept my apology for this brief delay.



"ASE Civil 2012: FinAL UPDATE"

Build M4B04.1628 marks the final published version of ASE Civil 2012. Assuming there are no reports of critical errors which create system instability or render AutoCAD, Civil 3D or ASE Civil unusable, there will be no further repairs or enhancements to this annual version of the application. All future development efforts will no be focused on ASE Civil 2014 and ASE Civil 2014Z



"new website"

The latest webpage for ASE Civil Design Software has a new look. Please bear with us as we redevelop renew the image and integration of  a proven subdivision specialty application.


ASE 2014 Compatibility Testing Complete!

ASE Civil is now compatible with Civil 3D 2014. The new version will be available soon.



Updated Ribbon for 2012

The ribbon for 2012 now includes a finished Profile Generator tab as well as enhancements to the existing tabs and panels. Look for a new ribbon update in a week that will include finished tabs for ASE Design and Profile Displays.



Update for 2012

The latest version of ASE Civil 2012 has been uploaded. It includes various bug fixes and enhancements, including an updated ribbon.This update also contains a "Client" license for the trial version. If you are a current client, please overwrite the client.vlx file with your own file. NOTE: All ASE Civil executable and support files are now located in the "C:Program Files" in the "AseCivil12" folder. Please change the AutoCAD Startup Suite to load "AseCivil12" from that location. This applies to network licenses as well.
